MakeStoryboard Updates: September 2022

Alexey Lizhnyk
Alexey Lizhnyk
co-founder & CEO, MakeStoryboard
1 min reading·

MakeStoryboard System Updates - September 2022

We have something interesting for you today! Our team is constantly working to get better every day and we have been waiting for a long time to tell you about the latest updates, finally this time has come, so let's get started!

Added possibility to share folders with collaborators

We know you have been waiting for this feature! Now you can give team members access to specific folders and they will be able to edit everything inside them. Who can comment and who can only view is up to you. Generate a review link and share it even with those who are not registered!

Share folders

Even more export templates

List or grid? What do you prefer more? We have expanded our collection of templates, so now you can adjust the number of frames on each sheet and their position. The list includes 8 themes, two of which are available without premium subscription. You can also customize it as you wish or try the full page mode.

MakeStoryboard Export templates

Pdf options update is already here

Meet a wide range of necessary options to get the perfect result! You don't need to spend time editing it yourself, just turn on and off unnecessary data. You can choose everything from small details like numbering to significant options like page size. We understand that every little nuance is crucial for your presentation!

Table view

If you could notice at the top of the page there is a new function to change the overall view. With one click you can change one of 4 view formats. While working, sometimes it is important to see the whole picture together, and we want each user to be able to adjust their own interface so that you do not have to make unnecessary movements. 

Table View

Improved performance in Full view

We love this mode because it allows you to see the sketches in detail. Since we improved the performance of full view, you can now easily scroll through frames as it allows to do it quickly and smoothly.

We hope this will make your workflow easier and even more comfortable, thank you for staying with us, without you we would not have made such progress! 

October 3
Create a storyboard
creale a storyboard

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