You can give your team members and collaborators different roles according to the level of access that you'd like them to have.
1. Owner
The person who create an account automatically becomes the Owner. This person is responsible for billing and is able to access all projects within the team. They can also administer teammates (invite new team members and collaborators, change roles and remove members). Teams can have only one Owner.
2. Admin
Team members with an Admin role can do everything that an Owner can do, except access billing information. They can create and manage storyboards. .
3. Editor
Team members with an Editor role can do everything that an Admin can do, except managing Admins. They can create and manage storyboards. Teams may have as many Admins as they need.
4. Commenter
Team members with a Commenter role can view and comment on a storyboard. They cannot manage team members and invite collaborators. Teams may have as many Commenters as they need.
5. Viewer
Team members with a Viewer role can only view storyboards. They cannot manage team members and invite collaborators. Teams may have as many Commenters as they need.
Owner, Admin, Editor are roles that have editing access.
Team member has access to all account storyboard. Collaborator has access only to storyboards where he was invited in.