How To Storyboard Motion Graphics?

Satyam Maitrai
Satyam Maitrai
Content Writer
6 min reading·

Have you ever wondered if motion graphics projects make use of storyboards? You probably know about scripting, but maybe you aren't sure about the role of storyboards in motion graphics. Are you?

Well, if you aren’t, then you have landed at the right place. In this article, I am going to be discussing making storyboards for motion graphics, as well as the process involved. 

How to storyboard motion graphic

So, starting with the very basic concept of storyboards, a storyboard is like a graphic combination of illustrations, or images, displayed in sequence to visualize a motion graphics or animation before it is produced. It could also be called a visualization of scenes using drawings or sketches made by using cloud software.

Moreover, a storyboard serves as a guide for the film crew as it shows what the final project looks like. Artists who make storyboards are known as storyboard artists. Storyboard artists are individuals who devote their careers to storyboarding, as it combines skills such as writing, illustration, and production. You can explore more on how to become a storyboard artist here

Originally, a storyboard used to be created with sketches made with a pen and paper, but with the invention of modern digital tools and software, animation, color, photography, and notes can be easily used to highlight key characters, emotions, scenes and objects.

A Brief On Motion Graphics

Motion graphics, otherwise known as animated videos, can be in the form of a 2D animation or GIF. It can also include sound effects, audio, and voiceover. Motion graphics can equally be in the form of a virtual reality video, 360- degree video, and other kinds of available visual technologies. 

These days, motion graphics are used in creating tutorial videos, explanation videos, television commercials, testimonials, social media videos, promotional videos, and many more digital products. In short, it is not just limited to a certain type of project and it is utilized in a variety of industries.

So, How To Storyboard For Motion Graphics?

Storyboards are vital in mapping out the sequence and style of a motion graphics process. They're also great for promoting team collaboration as everyone knows what is expected of them and how the project will progress before the production phase begins. 

So, now I will put you through the steps of creating a storyboard for different kinds of motion graphics and videos.

Step 1:  Identify the main scenes in the script.

After writing the script, the next initiative is to divide it into smaller segments to be able to bring out the important parts of the motion graphics, such as the message it is trying to get across, locations, characters, and major plot points. This will help in determining how the scene transition will take place. 

Step 2: Map out the key scenes.

After identifying the key scenes, you want to map them out and give each scene a title to make it easy when you want to link them back to the main story covering the motion graphics.

Step 3: Add sketches or images.

You can now start adding images or sketches to create a visual representation of each scene. The images created here can be rough sketches, as perfection should not be the ultimate goal here. The goal should be to focus on the story and visualize how each scene plays out on the storyboard.

Step 4: Explain what happens in each frame.

The frames are static images, but they can be drawn in a way that will communicate how they will look while moving in sequence.  The style, mood, and behavior of any characters should be described. This is where you can consider adding transition effects, sound, or voiceover. 

Step 5: Share it.

You can now invite your team to take a look at the storyboard and ask for their feedback. It will also help make sure that everyone is on the same page in the interpretation of the storyboard. Final changes can now be added to the created motion graphics based on the feedback from the team.

Motion Graphics Process - Script or Storyboard First? 

Motion graphics is an intriguing process that can be a bit tricky if you don't know your way around the production process. 

In motion graphics design, many elements go into consideration. Scripting and storyboarding are just a small part of the processs. None of these elements is considered more important than the other. Neglection or poor execution of one can lead to a poor final product.  

A producer with an idea might be tempted to dive straight into storyboarding to watch the idea take form, but this is the wrong process. 

The production of motion graphics starts from the script. A script tells the story of how the motion graphics will go. The script tells the characters, emotions, plots, and other components needed to make the storyboard. Most award-winning motion graphics projects started from a script before transitioning to a storyboard. So, there's no storyboard without a script.

The storyboarding comes after the script has been developed. The storyboard brings the script to life as it creates a visual representation of what the script will look like. The scenes within the scripts are outlined sequentially during the storyboarding process.

How Does MakeStoryboard Help In The Motion Graphics Process?

The importance of storyboarding cannot be overemphasized as it is a crucial process in motion graphics production. Not only is the storyboard like a visual script, but it is also a visual map/ guide used by the whole team while shooting. 

Before I tell you how MakeStoryboard can help you in the motion graphics process, are you still wondering what relevance a storyboard has in the making of motion graphics? Please see below..

  • A storyboard helps to check whether or not the story in the script would make sense when visual shots of the storylines are produced through motion graphics.
  • It serves as a preview of the final work.
  • Storyboards promote team collaboration.
  • It helps the crew prepare a clear outline for the motion graphics being developed.
  • Storyboarding helps give the production team direction for the execution of the graphics.
  • It aids in determining the parameters of the story involved.
  • It helps the studio plan and executes the motion graphics within the range of available budget and resources.
  • It guarantees a smooth and easy production process as everyone is aligned with the vision of the project.
  • It helps identify any problems at an earlier stage. A problem identified at the storyboarding stage is much easier to correct than one that is noticed when the production is ongoing.
  • It helps to save time and cost.
  • Multiple shots and ideas can be tried out using a storyboard before choosing the one that best fits your project.

Recent advancement in technology has made storyboarding easier. Taking away the traditional pen and paper and replacing them with advanced storyboarding software, MakeStoryboard is here to level up your game of storyboarding. 

This software allows both beginners and professionals the opportunity to create dynamic and powerful storyboards online for motion graphics. Its features encompass all the resources needed to build a creative and compelling storyboard that can engage the target audience and produce the intended effect on the viewers.

MakeStoryboard also has a built-in feature for notifications, commenting, and sharing of storyboards with team members making collaboration and teamwork very easy.

Want To Hear Something Amazing?  

Do you know you can make tons of cash making storyboards online? Here is the link to an interview with Tetiana, a motion designer whose income doubled when she started using storyboards. 

Summing Up

I believe this guide has cleared up some myths regarding storyboarding in motion graphics production. Next time you want to consider creating an instruction video or something that involves motion graphics, I am sure you would be familiar with the steps to take and mistakes to avoid to achieve high-performing visual content.


May 9
Create a storyboard
creale a storyboard

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